The products and brands are carefully selected according to high-quality control standards. However, we would like to remind you that the images of the products on the Website are for information purposes only and therefore we decline all responsibility if the colors of the products or their characteristics differ from the originals due to a particular configuration of your computer or even a temporary malfunction.
To place an order, you need to:
- be at least 18 years old;
- be eligible to enter into legally binding contracts;
- have a valid e-mail address.
The receipt of the order by electronic means constitutes a contractual proposal by the Customer. The contractual proposal is to be considered accepted by us when we send an e-mail confirming the shipment of the order. If this e-mail is not received within 15 working days, the contractual proposal must be considered rejected. With the conclusion of the contract, we will be under a legal duty to provide you with products that are in conformity with the contract, under the terms and conditions provided, while maintaining the right not to fulfill orders with subjects who do not give sufficient guarantees of solvency or who do not fall into the Final Consumer category mentioned above or if, for any reason, the ordered product is not available for sale.
The Customer acknowledges that, due to the possible simultaneous access to the site by several users, the actual availability of the individual products could vary even during the same day, this circumstance could occur even after placing the order. If this happens, we will promptly communicate the unavailability of the product.
For anything not expressly regulated in these General Conditions of Sale, please refer to the provisions of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of September 6, 2005, and the applicable regulations of the Civil Code.
By placing an order, you unconditionally accept and agree to observe all the provisions contained in these Conditions. The forwarding of the order, therefore, implies full knowledge and total and unconditional acceptance of these Conditions, as well as of the additional information contained in other pages of the Website referred to and/or linked here.